
Frequently asked questions on SAFe® certification (courses):

  • What is the format of the certification exam?
    All SAFe® certification exams are online multiple choice (without proctor, though “closed books”), 90- or 120-minutes duration, and required pass rates are in the 75+% range. All details can be found here.
  • How does the certification exam take place?
    The trainer will enable the participants on the SAFe® online platform and after the training course, they have access to it, can take a preparational test and – at their own pace and once they feel confident, they take the online certification examination
  • How do I register for the online exam?
    The email address of the course participant will be requested with the list of participants before the training. Activation or admission to the examination usually takes place on the last day of the training.
  • How do I get my access data to the SAFe® Community Platform?
    Participants will receive their access data to the SAFe® Community Platform of Scaled Agile, Inc. based in Boulder (USA) and to the online examination by email.
  • When do I have to have completed my online exam?
    Participants can take the online certification exam within 30 days after the training course. The certification fee for the first attempt is included in the course fees. (it is our trainers’ objective that one attempt is sufficient) Each retake or attempt past the 30-day window is applicable to a small fee. All details can be found here.
  • Is participation in the examination compulsory?
    No, Participation is optional.
  • How do I get my certificate after a successful exam?
    After passing the exam, the certificate is made available for download in the participant’s personal user profile and a digital badge can be claimed.